Hear, Hear PEI
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Hear, Hear PEI Program?

Hear, Hear PEI is a hearing aid recycling program that collects used hearing aids to be refurbished and fit for low-income Islanders who otherwise could not afford them.

Is Hear, Hear PEI a government program?

No. Hear, Hear PEI does not receive any government funding or support. It is a private project started by Rose and Mike Barbour of Charlottetown who wanted to help low-income Islanders to get hearing aids.

What types of hearing aids do you take?

We take all hearing aids. We will be able to refurbish some of them to use in our program. Usually these are hearing aids that are behind the ear and less than 5-years-old. For hearing aids that can’t be refurbished, we have suppliers who will give us some new ones in exchange for them. This means that EVERY hearing aid we receive helps another Islander to hear!

Where can Islanders donate their used hearing aids to your program?

They can take them to any Murphy’s Pharmacies location across PEI.

What are the financial criteria to apply to the program?

While we know that hearing aids are expensive and a big financial sacrifice for some families, our program is for low-income Islanders who do not have any savings/investment accounts or other sources of funding that they can use for hearing aids. In addition, their annual HOUSEHOLD income is as follows: Single person family - $20,000 or less; two person family - $30,000 or less; add an additional $10,000 income allowance for each dependent child (i.e. two parents with one child = $40,000 or less household income).

If they meet the financial criteria, how do Islanders apply to get donated hearing aids?

The first thing that is needed is a recent hearing test (less than 12 months old). If they get a referral from their family doctor, the cost of the hearing test is covered. Hear, Hear PEI does not cover the cost of hearing tests. Islanders can contact our partner clinic, PEI Hearing Consultants, at 902-629-8834 to make an appointment for a hearing test when they have the referral form.

Do you only work with one clinic?

Yes, for now. PEI Hearing Consultants reached out to us in the beginning and were instrumental in the planning of the program, which only started in January 2017. They volunteer their services to help our clients with hearing aids, which is important because we are a private project with no funding. Without their involvement, the program wouldn’t exist. We will reach out to other clinics when the need exists.

What will happen at the hearing test at PEI Hearing Consultants?

Hearing will be assessed and individuals will be provided with the results. If it is determined that the hearing loss is bad enough to meet the partial criteria for another program, they will be directed to try that program first. PEI Disability Support and the Department of Community and Family Services provide some funding for hearing aids based on hearing levels and financial factors.

Hear, Hear PEI is a last resort program for people who don’t quality for hearing aids through any other program so applications will not be considered until these options are tried first, if hearing levels meet the criteria. If denied at one of these other programs, Islanders can then apply to Hear, Hear PEI and include the letter from the other program saying that their claim was denied.

If hearing levels do not meet the criteria for these other programs, Islanders can immediately apply through Hear, Hear PEI.

Does every person who applies to the program get hearing aids?

Unfortunately, no they don’t. We only have so many hearing aids available so we base our selections on greatest need as determined by the information gathered through the application process.

How do you choose who gets hearing aids?

We have a selection committee that meets several times a year to review all applications and choose the recipients. The number of people we can help each month depends on the number of donated hearing aids we have on hand. Our hearing aid recipients are selected based on the greatest need. As stated above, not everyone who applies will be given hearing aids. The Barbours oversee and support the selection committee, but are not on it.

Are there any fees involved with getting hearing aids from your program?

Yes, there are some costs for those who are approved to receive donated hearing aid(s). They are responsible for the following: $100.00 non-refundable fee for hearing aids (may be extra cost for custom ear molds), cost of batteries, and any future hearing aid repair, adjustment or replacement fees.

There is NO fee to apply to the program.

What is the long-term vision for Hear, Hear PEI?

In addition to helping low-income Islanders to hear, of course, we would like to have the project adopted by a non-profit organization or charity that can accept charitable donations, prepare literature to help promote it, and manage the administrative side of it.

Where can people get more information?

They can contact Rose and Mike Barbour by email at hearhearpei@gmail.com

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