Sunday, 26 March 2017

Thank you to PEI Hearing Consultants and Bernafon Canada!

Left to right: Steve Wong, Lisa Smith and Rose Barbour

What a nice surprise Mike and I got this week! Steve Wong at PEI Hearing Consultants (our partner clinic) invited us to his office for a meeting. When we arrived, he had brand new hearing aids sitting on the counter for the Hear, Hear PEI program. We were blown away!! Lisa Smith from Bernafon Canada (one of Steve’s hearing aid suppliers who was at his office) generously donated these new hearing aids – an incredible gift – in exchange for our hearing aids that can’t be refurbished or used. This means that every single hearing aid donated to our program will be used to help Islanders to hear as our donors intended. Some can be refurbished while others will be exchanged for new hearing aids. Every donation counts!! A big thank you to Lisa and Steve for making this happen. We are so grateful!

If you have hearing aids to donate, please take them to any Murphy’s Pharmacies location on PEI and put them in our donation box. If you are not on PEI but would like to donate hearing aids, please send an email to to make arrangements. Thank you!

 Rose Barbour with new and used hearing aids donated to Hear, Hear PEI!